Max Hollmann, Developer in Hamburg, Germany
Max is available for hire
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Max Hollmann

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Deep Learning Developer

Hamburg, Germany
Toptal Member Since
March 4, 2016

Max是一位经验丰富的全栈开发人员,拥有数据科学背景. With extensive experience in Ruby on Rails, 过去几年,他主要在基于python的环境中工作. Max与大型团队合作,为大型软件系统提供后端解决方案,并从头开始为早期初创公司设计和实施完整的技术堆栈. 他多样化的技能使他成为一名令人难以置信的多才多艺的工程师.


BlueSky API
Python, FastAPI, Zarr, Kubernetes, GitLab CI/CD, Argo CD, Terraform...
Sum.cumo Sapiens GmbH
Ruby on Rails (RoR), Kubernetes, Docker, GraphQL, Dry-rb, PostgreSQL...
Python,机器学习,Chef, Sidekiq, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby...




Preferred Environment

Git, Emacs, Unix

The most amazing...


Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
BlueSky API
  • Built a high-performance public API using FastAPI, 简化用户对历史天气预报数据的访问.
  • 设计并实现ETL流程,将来自不同来源的天气数据聚合为基于zarr的格式.
  • Developed a 2-tiered storage system, 对数据摄取采用写优化分块,对数据检索采用读优化分块.
  • Automated tests, Docker builds, infrastructure, and deployments using GitLab CI, Kubernetes, and Argo CD for a fast development cycle.
  • 使用Vue设计并实现项目网站.js with Nuxt.js.
Technologies: Python, FastAPI, Zarr, Kubernetes, GitLab CI/CD, Argo CD, Terraform, Data Engineering, Docker, Vue, Software Design, Architecture, Full-stack, SaaS, Leadership, Machine Learning, Git, Python 3, NumPy, Jupyter, Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, OpenAPI, APIs, Flask, Hosting, Geospatial Data

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

2019 - 2022
Sum.cumo Sapiens GmbH
  • 领导实施了一个分散的方案,以处理汽车保险之间折扣类别的所有权.
  • 通过开发一个框架来为上述语义生成测试数据,节省了开发人员数周的时间.
  • 设计并实现了多渠道客户沟通框架.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), Kubernetes, Docker, GraphQL, Dry-rb, PostgreSQL, GitLab CI/CD, Software Design, Architecture, SaaS, Leadership, Git, MySQL, APIs, Caching, Ruby

Lead Developer

2015 - 2019
  • Developed a podcast directory and scaled it to 2.5 million episodes and 800,000 interviewees.
  • 使用NLP模型提取出现在播客上的人的名字,并使用各种机器学习模型对出现的类型进行分类.
  • 使用Sidekiq实现了一个系统来并行处理来自数千个播客的新数据.
  • 建立一个Elasticsearch服务器来支持快速和强大的搜索.
  • 使用Chef管理DigitalOcean的服务器基础设施.
Technologies: Python,机器学习,Chef, Sidekiq, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Elasticsearch, Luigi, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Science, Deep Learning, Software Design, Architecture, Full-stack, SaaS, Git, Python 3, NumPy, Jupyter, Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, APIs, Caching, Hosting


2015 - 2016
  • 改进了现有代码库和数据库设计的质量, 并为未来发展建立可持续的设计模式.
  • 实现了前端的完全重新设计,具有更好的响应能力和全面的用户体验.
  • 创建了一个报告系统,用于在线投票结果和选民的人口统计数据, both as HTML and as CSV.
技术:Heroku, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby,架构,全栈,SaaS, Git

Lead Developer

2013 - 2016
  • 从创业公司的想法到第一个大客户,提供技术指导.
  • 实现一个复杂CMS/CRM解决方案的后端和API.
  • Set up a reminder service using push notifications, 直接与苹果推送通知服务和谷歌云消息接口.
  • 协调iOS和Android应用的开发.
  • Interviewed and screened mobile app developers.
Technologies: Push Notifications, Heroku, Memcached, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Software Design, Architecture, Full-stack, SaaS, Leadership, Git, APIs, Caching, Hosting

Web Developer

2011 - 2011
Empuxa GmbH
  • 实施了一个平台,让患者有机会根据各种标准对他们的护理提供者进行评分.
  • 为客户支持软件实现了一个Facebook应用程序,增加了公司和客户之间的沟通渠道.
Technologies: Facebook, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MongoDB, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Full-stack, SaaS, Git, APIs, Hosting


2009 - 2009
  • 开发了一种工具来可视化公司3D重建软件的准确性.
  • 实现了将MPEG4视频转换为单帧的库.
技术:视频处理,图像处理,FFmpeg, c++

Autonomous GPT Software Engineer
通过赋予GPT-4访问shell的权限,使其在软件项目上自主工作, the ability to edit files, giving it a task, and putting it in a continuous loop. 事实证明,GPT-4仍然不够好,无法用于此,因为提示它并修复它的错误比您自己做需要更多的时间.

这是一个将YouTube视频转换为播客的web应用程序,我从头开始构建,并借此机会玩了玩Dry-rb. The back end runs on Ruby on Rails with a GraphQL API, 前端是一个Vue应用程序,通过WebSockets实时更新进度, i.e., Action Cable.

A side project to scratch my own itch, JukeTube.org为YouTube提供了一个适合搜索歌曲的界面, queue them in the playlist, and play them all from one page. 考虑到设计不是我的专业领域,我对界面的结果非常满意.

和一个在澳大利亚背包旅行的朋友共同发起的. 目的是缓解雇主利用背包客的普遍问题, 我们开发了一个平台,旅行者可以与以前的雇主分享他们的经验. 该网站正通过口口相传慢慢获得人气,每天都有越来越多寻找短期工作的旅行者咨询该网站.

Ruby Gem: Rails API Explorer
一个Ruby on Rails插件,可以让开发人员轻松创建API文档, 包括一个用于测试和使用API的交互界面.


Bash, R, Python, Ruby, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Sass, Haml, HTML5, CSS, HTML, Python 3, ECMAScript (ES6), SQL, C++, CSS3, Java, GraphQL


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Slim, Capybara, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap, Vuetify, Flask, ActionCable


REST API, Sidekiq, jQuery, ActiveRecord, Ruby on Rails API, Node.js, Keras, TensorFlow, Luigi, Vue, NumPy, Pandas, Google Maps, Twitter API, Facebook Open Graph API, FFmpeg, Ractive.js, D3.js, React, SciPy, OpenAPI


Git, Emacs, RSpec, Jupyter, GitHub, TensorBoard, GitLab CI/CD, Apple Push Notifications, Google Cloud Messaging, NGINX, MATLAB, Chef, Terraform


Agile Software Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), Data Science, Object-oriented Design (OOD), Plain Old Ruby Object (PORO), DevOps, Hosting


Linux、Unix、Heroku、Docker、Jupyter Notebook、Kubernetes、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、DigitalOcean


JSON, PostgreSQL,数据库,MySQL, Memcached, Redis, MongoDB, Elasticsearch


Machine Learning, FastAPI, Zarr, Software Design, Architecture, Full-stack, SaaS, APIs, Statistics, Deep Learning, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Data Engineering, Leadership, Caching, Geospatial Data, Image Processing, Video Processing, Push Notifications, Facebook, Natural Language Processing (NLP), WebSockets, Dry-rb, Artificial Intelligence (AI), GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Argo CD, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Bayesian Statistics, Science, Psychology, Psychology & Mental Health, Cognitive Psychology

2016 - 2018


Leiden University - Leiden, Netherlands

2011 - 2014

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

University of Groningen - Groningen, Netherlands